Assembly Action Group

Assembly Action Group consists of eight peer-elected pupils from across the school, who aim to increase pupil engagement with whole school assemblies.

Assisted by Miss Watts, we work together to make assemblies more engaging for pupils across the school, focusing particularly on two of our school values: discovery and inspiration.

Our two main roles in school are to run and facilitate pupil-led assemblies and to ensure that assemblies give pupils a chance to discover and develop their own interests and learn more about the world around them. To find out what interests pupils, we wrote and then conducted a survey across school. Below is some of what we discovered.

Pupils would like the following visitors:

Pupils would like to learn about the following topics:

We were really pleased to see the amazing range of interests that pupils at The Glapton Academy have and we loved the suggestions for visitors. Pupils were particularly keen to learn more about different jobs and industries that they could work in in the future. We will encourage teachers to address this in their assemblies and in the classroom. We have already had an inspiring visit from Nottingham University’s Saxophone Group who taught pupils all about pitch and the saxophone, as well as treating us to a fantastic performance!

Over the coming year, we are looking forward to using the results of the survey to help us organise and deliver assemblies that provide pupils with new cultural experiences and opportunities to develop their existing interests.

Miss Watts and Assembly Action Group