Our Mission

Our Vision Statement

We are an inclusive school where, within an environment of mutual respect, each child’s ability is recognised, valued and developed through a creative and challenging curriculum.

We are committed to working in partnership with parents/carers and the wider community to provide an inspiring, stimulating and caring environment for our children. This will enable them to take the next steps in their lives confidently and successfully when they leave our school.

Our job is to Lead, Empower, Aspire and Drive our children to experience and gain

Happiness, Friendship, Discovery, Inspiration, Success and Awesome Memories

The following mission statement and aims form the basis of the work and life of our school:

Our Mission

At the Glapton Academy we believe that it is important that each child is given the opportunity to develop his/her full potential and we are continuously striving to enable our children to succeed and to provide an education of the highest quality to enable each child to be their very best when they leave us in Year 6.

Our Academy seeks to provide a rich and creative curriculum with the highest expectations for our children to attain high standards in all core skills and subject areas whilst discovering their interests and abilities in the wider curriculum and upholding core British Values.

Our school aims to provide a, safe happy and caring environment where everyone is treated with respect and friendships are formed and positive memories created.

We encourage good manners and responsibility, and promote a positive attitude to learning by recognising positive behaviour, effort, high self-esteem and achievement through our consistent system of rewards.

We acknowledge the importance of developing an understanding of all main faith traditions and to welcome the contribution that they can bring to our Academy.

We will enable all children to have the opportunity to participate in a daily act of simple collective worship including hymns and prayers and to experience empathy whilst understanding their part in our multi-faith society.

Opportunities will be provided to encourage children to support local charities and community projects with their time, talent and contributions promoting values such as truthfulness, honesty, generosity, selflessness and loyalty. We will forge links with local services and businesses to inspire our children and develop understanding of the importance of a good work ethic

School life will enable children to learn the basic rules for keeping themselves healthy and safe and for behaving well. They will have opportunities to show they can take increasing responsibility for themselves and their environment and to contribute to school development.

All children will be encouraged to have a voice in school planning and our democratically elected pupil groups will meet regularly to give ideas and create action plans to support the continuous improvement of our school.

We will use every opportunity to nurture confidence and develop positive relationships using a growth mind-set approach that encourages problem solving, resilience , tolerance , brave choices and independence.